Monday, November 2, 2009

Christmas Wish List

Dear Santa,

All I want for Christmas is a new cookbook. I promise to love and cherish it. I will read it from cover to cover and use it as my guiding light. I promise that I'm not picky but please let it be:

The Lee Bros. Simple Fresh Southern: Knockout Dishes with Down Home Flavor because I sometimes live vicariously through Matt and Ted. And, they're from Charleston. How cool is that? If you find my fascination a little unhealthy, I will settle for

The Blackberry Farm Cookbook: Four Seasons of Great Food and the Good Life because I grew up on a small farm and I know all about fresh, seasonal, and farm-to-table. We sometimes had the wildest things on our table--rabbit, squirrel, deer, raccoon, opossum, hog--but I don't eat that anymore. If you find my urban diet to be unworthy of true country cooking, I will settle for

My New Orleans because I lose all restraint when it comes to New Awlins. Food is my obsession but this obsession is much bigger than food. If you are concerned about supporting my obsessive behavior, I will settle for

Vegan Soul Kitchen because my copy is currently stored at my sister's house in Illinois and I'm dying without it.

Please, Santa. I promise to share my gift with everyone and cook with my mother's spirit--making last minute modifications to provide extra food for any surprise guests lured by the food's majestic aroma.

Brother Soulistic

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